. . .
- Challenger
- Challenger Intro
- The Astronauts
- Channel Date
- Jan. 29, 1986
- Feb. 2, 1986
- Mar. 9, 1986
- Apr. 20, 1986
- May 3, 1986
- May 15, 1986
- May 17, 1986
- May 28, 1986
- Jun 21, 1986
- Jul. 12, 1986
- Jul. 29, 1986
- Nov. 21, 1986
- Dec. 4, 1986
- Jan. 28, 1987
- Feb. 15, 1987
- Jun. 15, 1987
- Jan. 28, 1988
- Challenger Background
- Epilogue
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Columbia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Background: Seth's
Involvement with the Challenger Astronauts
Some of you have heard of Seth, most likely through the books on the
channeling of Seth by Jane Roberts. For example, there is a lot to be learned
about the soul in
Seth Speaks The
Eternal Validity of the Soul, a book Seth dictated through
Jane. The energy that is Seth has been through many incarnations
and is willing and able to impart knowledge to us in many areas.
One day prior to one of the channeling sessions with the astronauts
when they were to give evidential information on themselves, Seth came
in through Jeanne to give more background to his role in the channeling
and to impart information on the process. Seth was very much
involved with the channeling of the astronauts through both Jeanne and
Regina. As Seth states, "What was Seth's role in all
this? Well I have been a caretaker an overseer, if you will
of this particular project that we all have decided to become involved
Seth gives information on the process of channeling the "mechanics"
of how Seth comes into Jeanne and Regina vs. how the astronauts come
in. There is some background on why the deaths occurred in water,
and a better understanding of the soul as exemplified by the
progression/learning of the astronauts over the two years after their
death. There is also information on soul groupings as
exemplified by the greater ease of channeling of Christa by Jeanne and
You will enjoy Seth's discourse as preliminary information to a better
understanding of the channeling.
Here are links to Wikipedia that give some history on Seth and Jane Roberts:
Seth's words continue below.
The complete PDF file of this transcript is available
Updated Aug 15, 2017
Challenger Crew Channelling Index Page