. . .
- Challenger
- Challenger Intro
- The Astronauts
- Channel Date
- Jan. 29, 1986
- Feb. 2, 1986
- Mar. 9, 1986
- Apr. 20, 1986
- May 3, 1986
- May 15, 1986
- May 17, 1986
- May 28, 1986
- Jun 21, 1986
- Jul. 12, 1986
- Jul. 29, 1986
- Nov. 21, 1986
- Dec. 4, 1986
- Jan. 28, 1987
- Feb. 15, 1987
- Jun. 15, 1987
- Jan. 28, 1988
- Challenger Background
- Epilogue
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Columbia
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 15, 1986, Sources: Part I -- Jane Roberts, Part 2 -- Greg Jarvis
Channel: Jeanne Love
Respondents: Questioners, Tom Love and Sam White
Transcribed by Bob Shacklett
Note: Unintelligible portions indicated by (...).
This is the transcript of the channeling of the astronauts on =+.
Jane Roberts (Jane) [page 2]
Gregory Jarvis (Greg) [page 11]
[ end page 28 ]
The complete PDF file of this transcript is available
Challenger Crew Channelling Index Page