Challenger Epilogue
(by Regina Ochoa )
Dec. 28, 2017

It has been more than 30 years since that fateful day, January 28, 1986.

Lives and organizations turned upside down, corporations defending lawsuits, families scrambling to find answers, pain and sorrow and grief gripped not only the Space community but the entire country. The Space Shuttle Challenger flight went awry.  Around the world people were affected by the cloud-like explosion of images that fronted newspapers, television news and magazine covers. Thousands of words written. Speculation, accusation, confrontation amidst all the reporting that went down because of this ill-fated disaster.

So many were touched by the loss of these seven astronauts.

Then there were those who experienced the after-life spirits of the crew.

I felt their loss. Intimately. For all the time that has passed since that day, I have carried the crew with me in a way that I have only just now begun to comprehend the scope of these memories.

When FMBR contacted both Jeanne and me in January of 2017 to ask permission to put all of our channeled material online, I felt my heart skip a beat. Both Jeanne and I had come to terms with the information never reaching its audience. We came to believe that the crew would have to be satisfied with things the way they were; that the information would remain hidden in a box in the attic of my home. We had no idea that FMBR had already spent three years going over the volume of transcribed tapes, sorting and filing all the channeled material.

FMBR was ready to publish this material online. They asked if Jeanne and I would give our permission.

That not only took us back a few steps, but gave us pause. Concerned about going public with this information. How much would this impact our lives now? Would it be the same as how it impacted us 25 plus years ago? Would we be followed by agencies, spied on, shot at, and discredited all over again? Did we want to take this chance in order to complete the story? Were we willing to revisit the trauma of our channeled crew's memories for the sake of their closure to this space venture? Dare we?

I had to catch my breath, as did Jeanne.

One of the questions we were asked in our FMBR introduction was, "Has the Challenger crew made any more contact with you since all the channeled material 30 years ago?" Both Jeanne and I were quietly laughing about that question.

Why? Because the crew has been a part of our lives and have never really left. They have ridden in our cars, showed up in our living rooms, been at the births of our children's children and the deaths of our family and friends. They have become more than just entities who have walked into our lives; they have become friends who shared with us many intimate and personal experiences in their lifetimes, as well as in their after-death moments of continued growth and understanding. 

They have come to us to share experiences and moments on "the other side of life"; share answers to questions which so many have wondered. The crew's personal journey has been filled with awe and growth. Both Jeanne and I have been privy to some of their after-life experiences. It has been an amazing journey; one that I would never have believed possible 30 years ago.

I have had many entities come and go through my life, but none in the way that was shared by the Challenger crew. I know this may sound strange; however, I am proud to call them my friends.

So when Jerry Gin and the others from FMBR asked about communicating further with the Challenger crew, the seven were almost ecstatic to cooperate.

Jeanne was the first to sit and allow five of the seven members to write through her. Those were Christa McAuliffe, Judy Resnik, Ellison Onizuka, Greg Jarvis, and Ron McNair. Mike Smith and — lastly — Richard Scobee wrote through me. I was overwhelmed with their memories, their sense of honor and their excitement to share their growth from the other side.

Below are links to the transcripts channeled in 2017 from the Challenger crew.

Here are direct links to each of the 7 channeled transcripts.

Christa McAuliffe Christa pdf
Ron McNair   Ron pdf
Greg Jarvis   Greg pdf
Ellison Onizuka    Ellison pdf
Judy Resnik   Judy pdf
Mike Smith    Mike pdf
Dick Scobee   Dick pdf

In 1986 medium Regina Ochoa first came to the attention of the FMBR when she had her early experience as a channel speaking for the crew members of the fateful Challenger disaster. By then Regina was already developed as an energist. Her skills, from both her DNA and ancestral coding begun early in her life and developed throughout her years. The skills she brings today include those of transformational energies: automatic writings, healing energies, readings for Spirit, and channeling.

Jeanne Love, medium, mystic and musician, is internationally known and regarded for her skills in all areas of spiritual wisdom and practice. Jeanne has been studied by FMBR scientists in regards to channeled material ( and subsequently was written about in Jon Klimo's book: Channeling. John Fuller, the author of The Ghost of Flight 401, stated that Jeanne was one of the greatest psychics of our time. With her Quaker roots, Jeanne continues to promote healing and awakening through her workshops and one-on-one counsel. She is currently putting together her work on the Dodecahedron Children into book form.

Here is her website,

At the time this section was assembled there was some concern that there might be a malicious hack to adjust or change their content. To reduce the ease of such undesired changes, the material is presented in an image format (xx.png). The same material is also accessible via each pdf link above, and link at the end of each crew member’s xx.png text as a PDF file.

Challenger Crew Channelling Home Page

Updated Sep 13, 2020